What is Kundalini?
Kundalini is the evolutionary yogic force.
Coiled asleep within every individual is Kundalini Mata Shakti, potent mother power. This healing energy is present throughout ones life as a buffer for shock, traumatic episodes, and to unleash creative potential. Consciously relating, communicating, connecting with its cycles and vital force through subduing the mind in meditation is the practice of Kundalini Yoga. When the body system is highly engaged, while simultaneously deeply relaxed, at peace in Spanda, original vibration, Kundalini heals and uncoils ones creative spiritual blueprint for living as a free soul.
Why Kundalini Yoga?
One unites with ones personal eternal, mother force, fountainhead of life, and entices it along the channels of the spine as an evolutionary act of primal self love. The bliss and truth of ones reality heals all of oneself and ones world from the inside out. One becomes a conscious cocreator with this evolutionary loving power, sovereign, free independent, self actualized, realized, healthy happy and whole.
Where? Who? When?
Within you from pole to pole your Sat Nam, true identity, eternally now forever and always, Ma. Traditionally taught Guru-shishya, teacher-disciple, style, the age has come for each one to know their antar-guru, inner teacher. So taught Yogi Bhajan, who brought these teachings that are a safe, sustainable way of affecting true transformation for ones self and in community. Yogi Bhajan was an Indian Sikh man who brought Kundalini Yoga to the West in 1968. Here it's been practiced with great success and has since expanded widely around the world. Practice is done in ones home, ideally a sacred quiet qualified space, or in yoga studios with a certified instructor. Best practiced first thing in the morning and in the Amrit Vela, Sacred time, brahmamuhurta, hour of the gods.
How does it all work?
Shakti (energy) at the pelvic floor rises to Shiva (awareness) in the brain, where their divine union is realized. Harmony is breathed between these poles, in balance at the heart center, where our humanity is kept empowered integrally by right living and in the grace of our being love in action. The nervous system and endocrine glands, are the two main body systems worked with. Yogic anatomy of the central channel of the spine, Sushumna, with it's polarity sidekicks Ida (-) and Pingala (+) equalize the dual forces, sustaining peace, a vital current, elevated homeostasis embodied with the material presence of truth. Surrender to truth, the soul, Atman, and to the supreme Self, Paramatman, is the discipline that then combats the ego. The body, identity, serve in humility as an instrument for truth and Love.